LEARN THE PRACTICE LIVE at the SHEretreat in Thailand

REVERSE THE CURSE: One of the perceived notions of the Cultural System of Patriarchy is that it has made the Masculine Essence (consciousness, linear progress, etc.) the “NORM” while making the Feminine Essence(our body, our body odor, our fluids, our feelings & emotions, etc) shameful.  This shows up poignantly for women around our menses.  Women for centuries have been outcasted around “that time of the month” to be made to feel dirty, profane and worse.  Now-a-days, we try to “normalize” women’s bodies by making them more like mens…taking away our up and down cycle of emotions and stopping our menses so we can have relief from our PMS.  All of our modern day language around our menses is even an indication that our cycles are not a good thing…that they are problems to be solved by the Masculine way of being in our western world.

Before I found Sara Avent Stover and her book The Way of the Happy Woman, I had a break through with my own cycle.  I decided to use my “rephrasing” method to see if I could honor my body instead of hate on it during my cycle…and with my VERY FIRST CYCLE after only flipping the switch in my head once…my cycle started to improve.  I had less cramps, bloating, and engorged breasts that had plagued me for years.  My mood swings were more controllable and easier to predict.  Now, just a short 6 months later, I am taking time to slow down as Sara suggests…to honor and treat myself kindly and the results are amazing.  Instead of dreading and then wishing for my menses to be over – I honor Her wisdom, thank her for her gift of life and death she produces in me each month, thank her for giving me rhythm for my days…and so much more.  While I still have some cramping and discomfort – I simply continue to honor my body and my mind by thinking kindly about this time…and things continue to improve.

Women – and men that have women in your lives – we would be wise as a culture to listen to Sara and her advice around this issue…to once again learn to pace our culture off the wisdom of Women & the Moon cycles. I cannot help but think if I had such amazing results in just ONE month…of how much we could reverse of all our chronic diseases, mental illnesses and so much more.  Please help spread the word about Sara’s program below!

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