We are such funny creatures. We say we want freedom, that this is our birthright. Yet when it comes to intimate relationships we use language that shows the opposite of freedom: the other “possess us”, consumes us, “my boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse.”. We enter into contracts that bind us to another, giving us a feeling of ownership over the other all the while still craving our own freedom. We believe that a little bit of jealousy shows the other cares about us, that we even want the other to be jealous to know they want us – all the while wanting the freedom to do as we wish. In reality, even a little bit of jealousy shows the other thinks they have possession of us, they own us in some way, they can control some part of us no matter how small it is. Jealousy is about control, the exact opposite of Love which is about Freedom. A little bit of jealousy seeks to kill the free flow of Love, not to expand it. It takes away our free will to freely choose Who to Love, if even just a little. If Unconditional free flowing Love is our desire, eradicating even the smallest amount of jealousy while changing our language about our relationships is necessary.