I’ve always found little ways to let go of myself…one such place is on the dance floor. But for the most part I’ve suppressed the deep urge in me to let go of my tightly zipped up structures that give me “security”. Only now can I see how this false security has been asking me to let go so a new birth can happen. It is like I once envisioned it as this man curled up in a fetal position sitting in the palm of my hand, in my womb space …strong and resilient yet as light as a bird freed from its cage.

This latest surrender has definitely been like giving birth…getting to the point I am so tired of trying to hold it all together that I cannot do anything but flail my limbs out and say “take me I’m yours!”

While I know it is not over ~ I’ve had a taste of the sweetness of holding my new self at the end. With that I will continue to let go, to open up to the impossible possibilities, the searing orgasmic pain of being ravished apart from the inside out knowing what is to come ~ my own masculine self coming home to dance the Dance of life with me.