Today, I let it all go yet again. 

I let go of the idea that roles, gender, maleness, femaleness….that any of this really freakin’ matters in the end. 

Today, I am no longer a woman willing to play the domesticated role of a woman and whatever the hell it means….

Today I am a Soul, neither feminine nor masculine…simply Divine in Oneness.

I am a Soul that sees so many people suffering and hurting and longing to be free, to be loved yet not knowing how.

I am a Soul that sees people trying to hold it together and wishing I could just give them permission to let it go, to wrap my arms around them as a signal that it is safe to escape the civilized walls of society we have built in our minds and bodies.

I am a Soul that longs to feed those I feel and see that need my Medicine.

I am a Soul that longs to be fed by the Medicine of my SoulMates that I do not yet carry in my own.

There is a different way to be. There is an ancient way that can be made new. A new way all in itself. 

“You feed me, I feed you.”