Celebrate YOUR Independence Day: Intimacy with Your Soul thru Marriage

As our nation joins together to celebrate America’s birthday (which one is it again? JK!) – I invite you in to a different celebration.  One that is a bit more personal and that this world desperately needs. And really, can be more juicy, hot, fun and PASSIONATE than the fireworks on the 4th!

Marry your own SOUL and have sovereign
INDEPENDENCE over your Cunt*ry

I was struck this morning with an answer to a question that I was sparked with a few weeks ago.  Actually that appeared in my life in relation to another.  When the question appeared, I had NO idea what to do with it – for it soooo didn’t seem to apply to me in my life.

images-10Yet as any good life coach would do, I encouraged myself to continue to sit with the question KNOWING it was for me.

What was the question?

“Will you stop distracting yourself from ME (your soul) with all others?”

I of course had resistance to such a question.

I am not dating anyone and not interested in dating. Sex and friendship and deep connection yes, but not to the point I’m distracted by it (or maybe I’m just in Da Nile?).

I’m in love with myself, focused on birthing this baby – my biz – and brining my personal world of how I have such a full Intimate life as a single mom forward.

I don’t run around flirting and leading men on.  I spend much time focused on ME (maybe too much) and I feel pretty darn right on in my life.  I LOVE my life in fact.

So how in the WORLD did this question apply to me?

How was I distracting myself from my SELF?  With what means or with whom?

Well, as I sat here this morning, I started to see the answer take shape in the form of a story.

A myth actually.  The Myth of Marriage.

Many in our culture use this  word “myth” to mean “a fable” or something made up, not true, bogus.

However, the meaning of “myth” is far from this.

The idea behind myths is that they are stories with symbols and metaphors that appear rather mundane and common place.  These symbols and metaphors in fact are layered deep with meaning behind meanings.

For example, every character in a story or myth is really a representative of different aspects of ONE individual’s personality.  I.E. Prince Charming is the representative of the Young (not fully mature) Masculine within, while the Princess is the Feminine.

AS our culture is shifting and growing faster than we can say “banana”, I believe Marriage can and is taking on this notion of Myth for many of us.


Here is a little something to help you grasp what I am seeing in the Myth of Marriage – and to help you understand where working with me will take you


We Can Love more than one Soul – in an intimate loving relationship.  Whether it be friends or lovers.

BUT that has to come from KNOWING who we ARE monogamous with: our own Soul.

Never lie, cheat, run away from your own Soul.

Do not be distracted from your own Soul by the sparkling “outsides” of the other.  tumblr_inline_mlo3p56BlL1qz4rgp

Do not ignore your own Soul’s heart cry in favor of placating your pain with surfacey pleasure.

You ARE married to your Self, your Soul.  This, this Union IS what Goddessence has joined together – internally, magically with a glue of heaven that seals the deal.  Let no man undo that which God has joined brought together in the heavenly realms.

Let no man come between you and your Soul.  Do not sell your Soul for him nor to him – whether he be a pastor, a husband, a partner, a friend, a lover, a boss, the government nor any other spiritual leader.  He is not the owner to the deed of your Soul.  You are.

You are the marriage of the feminine & masculine ~ and all your woos are brought on by trying to marry the opposite of you in the external, tangible, physical world.

Turn inwards.  Find your Partner there. Learn to be married in there.

Devout yourself to your SELF always.  Follow your inner Soul’s cry as your divine light, and He will make your paths straight.  He is in the depth of your womb, He is woven together with you in the hidden place and He will always be with you, never to forsake you.

He was birthed WITH YOU in the Dance that brought you to Life.

Put no others before your marriage to your Soul, for you do the others and yourself a GREAT disservice when you commit adultery to your own Soul.

You must be diligent and keep guard, wearing your spiritual armor of faith to ensure your spiritual marriage is honored and that you do not CHEAT on ME, your Soul.  Love ME first, and I will show you a FOOLISH amount of love for all others.  When you honor ME with this type of commitment, you are free to love whomever, however you want.