Good-byes and HELLOS

Life is about good-byes. Have you ever noticed that? Sometimes they are easy ones, ones you want and need…other times they are like ripping your fingers off as you cling for dear life to your lovey, your security blanket. And sometimes they are some where in between – in that bitter sweet zone.

Today, I embark on the next chapter of my life as I move from the residence that has been my abode for the past two years…and much to my surprise I am landing in that bitter sweet zone. I’m so excited to be getting into a bright, sunny new place with a chance for community housing!…yet as I bid farewell in my journal to this abode last night, I quickly realized I wasn’t just saying good-bye to a physical place…but to the symbolic place that has been a place of transition for me.

This home has been a place for me to mourn, to grieve, to do the hard work of saying so many good-byes: to a dead marriage, to friends that felt they had to say good-bye due to the dead marriage, to a home and family I had built, to what I thought was God, to more friends and more community…to who I thought I was as a woman…and most of all to the old foundation of who I thought I was and how I viewed and experienced the world.

And with all this in mind today, as I embark on my move I am letting go, I am being asked by Her to let go, to shed these last 2 years of transition gracefully and lovingly…so that I can make room for all the new HELLOS that I feel are knocking at my door.

Where are you in your life being asked to say good-bye? Why? What possible good intention is this good-bye bringing into your life?