Have you ever stepped into part of your day with the feeling of pure bliss?  Like the world is your oyster and everything in it is yours for the taking?  Like people are asking themselves, “What does she have that I don’t?” as they see you walk down the hallway of life.

That is how I feel right now.  As if I have a secret I am dying to share.

If I had to guess, this feeling stems from an intention I set earlier this week.  Just when it seemed everything was going wrong in my day – I had left the house too late to pick up the kiddos and get to my Cycle class on time – I decided to mentally stop, breathe and “be with what is, trusting each moment was unfolding just as it shall.”

Do you know what?  I made it on time…and not just on time but 10 minutes early! Not to mention the valuable lesson I taught my kiddos that day about breathing deep while being a calming presence in the world around them.

This intention has continued to carry me throughout the week and into today.  Up at 5 am, conducting more research on how to write a non-fiction query letter, the process took the better part of my morning.  Packing, cleaning up and driving to the airport was still to be had.  Needless to say, I was running behind schedule….again.

Yet, instead of freaking out, stressing out and getting all worked up – I once again decided to trust trust myself and the moment to unfold as it shall. 

Here is what has happened next: I parked at a new long term lot.  A shuttle was leaving just as I was pulling in.  I  was 10 minutes too early for the next one, which was 5 minutes late.  As I board, a woman remarks that she has left her mobile in the hotel conference room.  “Can we go back and get it?” she asks, putting me at critical decision point: Do I ask this woman to forgo her cell phone so I can make my flight?

I know I couldn’t live with out my phone so I say let’s go for it – willing to stay in my intention and risk the consequences.  We swing back by, her co-worker dashes out like Usain Bolt and is back in no time at all.  Whew, now we can be on our way.

What’s this?  The shuttle is making another stop?!  My intention and my nerves are beginning to compete as people casually take their time sauntering onto the shuttle.

Finally we arrive at the airport – yes by now my adrenaline kicks in slightly – and I zip casually yet quickly across the lanes of traffic, up to the outdoor airport check in where I inform him I am trying to make my 3 pm flight.  His next words are like music to my ears: the flight has been delayed till 3:25….yippee!!

“See nothing to worry about Holli.”

I would have made my flight regardless – even with opting out for the personal impersonal pat down – but the extra time I was given has allowed me to capture this moment.  As I walked down the hallway to my gate, I had an extra-wide, sweet soft smile on my face, a light in my eyes and graceful dance to my step.  People were looking at me with curiosity, smiles and some slight questions in their eyes.  It feels just like my first kiss, pure bliss.

Now you know – you know that I do kiss and tell.  Well, you know in part…for there are other occurrences about my day and my thoughts and my new forming beliefs that I am still pondering and holding just for me that put the dance in my step.  I am on the brink of some BIG works in my life – some that I WILL be sharing with you my dear friends soon.  I hope that you will find them as exciting as I do.  For unlike many women, I do kiss and tell.