Miley Cyrus; Comcast = Archnemesis; Storytelling & More…

I promise that I will continue my “Making of a Storyteller” on Monday of this coming week (10/7).  I also will be sharing this coming week more of why I am even sharing this story and what new beginnings I am formulating for this blog and my ongoing work to address our societal issues of abuse, divorce, the Dogma of both religions and culture….and how this all ties into my work with Practice Joy!

In the meantime, part of the reason I did not get to write yesterday is two-fold:
1) Comcast has become my current archnemesis.  Or maybe it is all of technology in a way.  Technology for the most part is GREAT when it works, and a form of Hell when it does not.  In short, I was promised a higher, better performing speed with a new package.  It took me at least 4 phone calls, over an hour in conversations and much frustration with spotty performance that has brought working from home to a complete standstill to discover that this better performance doesn’t include wireless connection.  It would seem hardwiring would be the solution, but of course the answer is not that easy –  not to mention them promising one thing that I am paying for and NOT DELIVERING (can you say bait and switch)…and the old box I had that worked just fine is being discontinued for their (Comcast’s) new product that is of questionable quality.  Do you think I’ll get any resolution from Comcast?  No, their customer service – well it should not even be called customer service at this point – and the amazing man who hooked me up said he isn’t even allowed to give his supervisor’s info out anymore…and even shared with me that when you call the main number and try getting to a supervisor you will most likely get hung up – all in attempts that you will give up trying to get what you are paying for.
Why do I mention all of this?  In the odd chance someone over there reads it and decides to actually provide customer service and get their service up to what they are promising.  Hey, a woman can hold out hope for this to happen right?
2) I’ve been selected to participate in an intensive writer’s workshop!!!! (Can you tell there is some excitement behind this?) This in itself is an exciting part of my story as of late, and the fact that another well established writer and writing coach – with my propensity towards spirituality nonetheless – has taken notice of my writing and my cause, let’s just say I have to keep pinching myself.  The reason I am sharing it here is because it happens next week!  I was the last minute, last add to this small intimate class and have to scramble to get ready to fly across the country in just a week’s time.

Yet in all of this, I am really desiring to pour myself into developing this blog once again – in regards to all those topic I mentioned above, and will be doing my best to blog 3-5 days a week. (I’m even going to add a YouTube channel as well.)

Here is where you all can help!  If you have topics in relation to anything please send them my way towards practicejoycoach(at)gmail(dot)com – and if you have questions send them anyways and I will let you know if they fit in.

Here is one I am contemplating: addressing all the hype in regards to Miley’s “scandalous” new version of herself and how this relates to abuse, societal dogma and the like.