The age old question arises today: Do the names of people or things matters? Would a rose called “stinky” smell as sweet? If you were saying over and over to yourself the word “stinky” while smelling a flower…I would think that the mind would potentially play a trick on your nose…for I am in the belief that the mind does matter in things such as this.
This is the question posed to us today as we read the passages about what names are used for Jesus throughout the bible. In the older testament, Jesus is called the following in Isaiah 9:6-7:Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace
In Revelation 19:1-16, he shows up with many different names:
* the Lamb
* Its rider is called Faithful and True
* He had a name written that no one knows except Himself
* His name is the Word of God
And last but not least in both the Revelation verses as well as in our last reading, 1 Timothy 6:11-16 :
We are asked to think about the names, what they mean, and how Jesus has fulfilled some of these names in our life? We are asked to think about what our name has meant to us and to discuss this all with friends, family or to journal.
I know one of my first posts way back at the end of summer I did talk about names…based on how Anne Shirley of Green Gables always wanted to be named Cordelia instead of plain old Anne. But if she was going to have to be called Anne…it must be spelt with an “e” for at least the “e” made it that much more bearable to be called Anne.
I went on to say that I too had struggled with my name as a child. I wanted to be called anything but “Holli”. As part of a way to fit in – for there was a time I wanted to fit in and not stand out so much as I did for many reasons – I tried spelling it with a “y” instead. But that didn’t stick. Then I tried using my middle name for a while…but that wouldn’t stick either. I desperately loved the name Nicole, the name of my favorite Barbie doll and the name I would give myself if I could have chosen. Yet, as I grew up I began to accept my name. Even though I still feel it is rather childish at times…I like that it is not a popular name – except I just learned there are like 2 other Holly’s at Sanctuary..highly unusual. At least I have never run into another one who spells it with just an “i”.
My fascination with names only deepened after I became a follower of Christ. In biblical times, names were so important…for they usually carried a meaning for the mother, father or child. Or if God renamed you …that was a big deal. Abram became Abraham…Sari became Sarah…Jacob became Israel. Names in the bible meant something and I thought that was so cool. I decided to look up my name at some point and found that it meant “holy believer in christ” when you took both my first and middle name. How prophetic! Did my mom realize this when she named me or did she just like the names put together? Or was it God moving behind the scenes to give me that name?
Then, when I started having kids, I tuned into names even more. It seems the meaning of the name is coming back into focus – or at least when you have to pick one you are more focused on the meaning. The names we picked for the kids do definitely mean something…and so far both kids are living up to their names – whether it be in character or circumstances around them.
So I return to my first question: Does what we call someone matter?
I truly believe it does. The meaning of Jesus is “savior” which means “A person who rescues another from harm, danger, or loss.”
Here is the Strong’s definition of the Greek word that is translated into “Lord” or “kurios”.
1) he to whom a person or thing belongs, about which he has power of deciding; master, lord
1a) the possessor and disposer of a thing
1a1) the owner; one who has control of the person, the master
1a2) in the state: the sovereign, prince, chief, the Roman emperor
1b) is a title of honour expressive of respect and reverence, with which servants greet their master
1c) this title is given to: God, the Messiah