I bet you are wondering what in the world Clark has to do with yesterday’s Christmas reading, huh? Have you seen National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? I chuckle as I think about it now…so funny.One of my FAVORITE things to do this time of year is to admire all the little, millions of teeny, tinny, twinkling bulbs that line the streets, houses, window displays, and rooms. I have a little bit of obsession with it I think. I was one of those college students (and after) that displayed her Christmas lights all year round. One of my earliest memories of Christmas with my beloved mom is driving in the back of her VW Rabbit to Candy Lane…a street in KC area where each house decorated their homes with lights and such. I have to admit I think this has become a generational thing…it is in our DNA…for now my kids and I enjoy the lights together as we drive around this time of year. We scream out for each other to look at this house, that house, etc. My youngest – letting you in on a secret, shhh – is nicknamed after the Christmas lights. Seriously! Last year this one was still really young and not able to get out the entire word “Christmas”…the word that came out was “Kiki lights”….the “Kiki” has stuck.
Lastly, a few years ago I found a book about how to incorporate more of Jesus back into Christmas decorating. So, I went out and found any decorations I could that embodied Him…and tastefully decorated with garlands strung with lights and then wrote out little snippets of verses on beautiful red velvet ribbon…such things as “Emmanuel”, “God with us”, “Prince of Peace”, etc….placing these around the house. Then, at night…after the entire house was asleep and all was quiet and peaceful…I would just sit on the couch and admire the decorations, the lights and the manger scenes with the stars and crosses that I have found over the years, playing my Christmas music. This simple little act has become my favorite new tradition. I just let my mind wander about the loco-ness of it al: the virgin birth, His parents that accepted their fate, the shepherds that received the announcement, that God came near. That He was once a little child just like one of mine…with cuts and bruises, owies and booboos…tears and laughs…hopes and fears. I will reflect on how, just for a few short weeks the message that Jesus so plainly lived…to bring Hope and Peace and Freedom to all of us…is reflected almost every where I look. How this time of year, more than any other time, anything seems possible…anything!
“So, what does all this have to do with the price of tea in China?” I hear you asking.
Well, nothing with the tea… but all to do with the lights.
Today’s reading was about how Jesus was the Light of the World, come to scatter the darkness and fear that lives in our hearts. We were to research the beginnings of the tradition of Christmas lights. I’ll make it easy for you…click here. We are to think about why Jesus was the light of the world, thinking about the scientific facts about light. We are to think about why Jesus would call those that follow him, “Lights of the World”, and how our own life has been a “light” to those around us.
In short, I think of light as something pleasant that shines for us in the darkness…helps guide us, directs us to where we need to go. It draws us in, beckons us closer ….so long as it is not to brilliant of a light that makes us shut our eyes, putting our hands over our face so we are not blinded. This illumination also produces heat…to warm us, gives our skin a glow…allowing us to see what is going on both around us and around others.
All of these facts…it would seem…could be correlated to Jesus and those that follow Him:
* we are to be something pleasant that shines in a dark world
* we are to help guide, direct others to where they need to go
* we are to draw others in, beckon them closer to us – without overwhelming them with so much of the Good News that it becomes blinding and debilitating
* the “heat” we provide by reflecting Jesus’ light should give us a “glow” and warm those souls around us
* If we are truly living “in the Light” of Jesus, then we are not even remotely able to hide in the darkness…meaning we cannot hide any part of our life – good or bad…
* All the while our “light” is also encouraging others to step into the light as well. Exposing themselves so they may feel the redeeming “heat” of being healed by the light.
Great- you love all of that wonderful, deep insight…but you are still asking me why I labeled this one Clark Griswold. Well, if you recall the movie…there is a nice long scene all about Mr. Griswold and his 250 strands of lights…and I was reminded of it last night when Mr. Pastor talked about his 50 strands – pretty impressive – and again this morning when I read about Kiki lights…and I just had to watch it in honor of this post. I think it is a good example of how not to overkill people with the “Light of the World”…but more than that it is just good for a laugh — as Clark Griswold always is!
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – FULL HD LIGHT SCENE!
I just cannot wait till the kiddos and I are able to drive about and watch out for the Kiki lights…if we find any ones worth sharing – or if you find ones on your end – please do share! And let your mind wander to Jesus as you admire all these ittle, millions of teeny, tinny, twinkling bulbs that line the streets, houses, window displays, and rooms this time of year.