Turn Aunt Flow (aka your period) into Your BEST Friend!

Excerpts from my upcoming free e-workbook.  Sign up here to receive your free e-book when it is ready!Heart health

“R” is for Rhythm


If you have read any of the sleep books, websites or paid attention to your own sleep patterns – you know that finding your baby’s natural sleep rhythm is one of the golden nuggets of early mothering.  And you know that in those early months, once you find the rhythm it seems to change on you!  How frustrating can that be?!!?!

Well, it can be.  But that is simply because our world has forgotten what women and the feminine body KNOW intuitively: Our planet and lives are governed by cycles.

In ancient times, the most sacred rhythm of all was also seen in the woman’s monthly cycle:


Back in those day, the woman’s body was considered sacred and honored for a gift that was inconceivable: bleeding without death.

AND, the bleeding just so happened to match up with the Moon’s cycle of 28 days (this was before modern lights and lives threw most of us off)!!

Women were n0t in the Red Tent because they were unclean and dirty.  No, No, NO!!

They were there because the men were afraid of the power women obviously had when they bled!!! (And because women back then knew how to take care of themselves during this most precious time.)

Unfortunately, our modern day culture has forgotten the sacredness of the woman’s body and her monthly cycle.  Instead, we are taught to distance ourselves from our cycle ~ hiding out of shame and pushing through IT as if it was any other day.

Cutting ourselves off from Aunt Flow and Her Voice while pushing through our cycles, we become distrustful of our own bodies and intuition while suffering physically.  Instead of feeling sacred and honored, we feel ashamed and embarrassed of our own true nature.

When we feel ashamed and embarrassed, we set ourselves up for these modern day ailments: severe PMS/menopause, female cancers, obesity, depression, anxiety, chronic illnesses, addictions, domestic and societal abuse worldwide.

Girl on bedWhen we as Moms start accepting our bodies and living the power of our cycles:
* We will find more energy for ourselves and our families/communities
* We will know when to rest and when to play as to avoid burnout, illness, severe PMS and menopause
* We will know how to structure our lives for the greatest enjoyment possible
* We will be able to teach our partners and children how to honor and care for us when we are bleeding

When we as women accept our bodies and live our power:
* We will reverse the tide of body shaming we allow our culture to perpetuate on women.
* We will find a wellspring of empowerment to take back our mental, physical and emotional health.
* We will feed our souls’ deep inner cry for connection and intimacy that can never be fully found in our partner – thus relieving them of impossible standards.
* We will begin to see the end of all our modern day ailments and the dawning of a New Earth being birthed for our children.

Do you mama want to leave your children a better Earth than the one we have today?

Do you mama want to feel sacred and powerful in your own body?!?!

Do you mama just wanna have more energy so you can have more fun?!!?

Then join me tomorrow for some easy tools to get you started! 

If you like this post , consider joining me for the Frumpy & Grumpy to Foxy & Radiant Mama 21-day course by singing up here!  In just 3 weeks, end the grumpy mommy cycle to become the Coolest Mommy on the Block – radiating life, love and good vibes to yourself and your family!
Here’s the growing table of Contents!
Day 1: Move from Frumpy to Fabulous Radiant Mama!
Day 2: Turn Aunt Flow (aka your period!) into Your Best Friend!
Day 3: Chart Your Flow to End the PMS Attacks of B*tchy Mama!
Day 4: Stop Feeling Unhappy as a Mom/Wife with Power Packed ReWires
Day 5: Rewires to the Rescue: End the Body Shaming & Grumpy Mommy Syndrome
Day 6: Shake, Shake, Shake off those Post-Partum Baby Body Blues
Day 7: Stop the Energy Drain by Tapping into Your Own Deep Well
Day 8: Move from Feeling like an Unskilled Parent into Your Creative Mama Powerhouse
Day 9: Exhausted Mama to Energized & Radiant Mama
Day 10: Stop Doubting Your Parenting By Learning to Tap Into Your Own Magical Life