Thank you @ijamproductions and DancEast Nashville for helping me practice the @movementmedlove theme of the week: “developing strength to let go”.
Haha- when I dance in #ecstaticdance floors - on the inside I feel soooo smooth, so black or latino.
But seeing myself in a mirror?
I see I am just a big ol’ white woman who loves to #dance so much that I - well I don’t look like how I feel on the inside. 😆
And that is okay.
Cause it is what is on the inside of me that matters. At least I will keep telling myself that.
I had such a blast letting go of my feelings that I cannot follow instruction (since finding free-form #movement in #consciousdance), letting go of my fear of being seen as not a real hip-hopper but just as a wanna be...and letting go of so much more.
I feel so much stronger and freedom from letting myself #letgo and #trust. So much so I stayed for the contemporary class next!
Hip-hop class @ 6:45 Tues at @DancEast Nashville
Wanna come dance with me: #ecstaticdancnashville Friday nights at @constructstudio Nashville. Whatever your style is!